Your treasurer will love the Payment Collector!
It makes collecting money at meetings so much easier.
All you need is an Internet-connected smartphone or tablet.
If you want to accept credit and debit card payments, you will also need to:
- Install the free Square POS app on your Android or iOS device
- Obtain a free credit card reader from Square
You'll also need to complete the Payment Collector Configuration and the
Square Configuration pages.
To begin collecting payments, please go to Money → Payment Collector.
This will pop open a new browser tab without the standard headings and menus.

Every time you start the Payment Collector, you'll be asked:
- The date you plan to deposit the cash and checks you are collecting today. This will usually default to tomorrow's date, except on Saturday when it will
default to the following Monday.
- Whether you have the Square POS app and a Square credit card reader installed on this device.
Make the appropriate choices, then tap Continue.
You're ready to accept your first payment!

Tap on the name of the person to whose account this payment will be deposited.
If you don't see it on the list, type a few letters from any part of their name - first name, last name, whatever - into the
Search box.

The list will shrink with every letter you enter, only showing those names that contain that series of letters.
Tap on the name to select it.

The system displays the selected name along with their current balance.
Enter the amount of the payment.

Tap on the button for the type of payment: cash, check, or credit card.
If you select Cash...

Tap Submit Payment to complete the payment...unless you need to make change.
Click on one of the values below "Cash Payment", or manually enter the amount received into the Cash Received field.
The system will display the correct Change. Tap Submit Payment when you're ready to move on.
If you select Check...

Enter the check number and any other useful information into the Reference field.
This will be saved in the Reference field of the monetary transaction that will be generated for this payment.
It is not required.
Tap Submit Payment to complete this payment.
If you select Card...the Square POS app will load. It may take a few seconds to detect the card reader.
If your group does not absorb the credit card fee for on-line payments, the amount shown in the Square POS app will be higher than the amount that you
entered in Payment Collector, since it includes the estimated fee.

Scan the credit card in the Square reader. It may take a few tries to get it right.

Ask the cardholder for their signature, then tap Done.

Tap No Thanks to continue without a receipt. Square will display one last confirmation page, then return you to the Payment Collector.
Did you notice the two links at the top of every Payment Collector page?
Tap Payments Received to see all of the payments collected with the current Deposit Date.

Tap Bank Deposit for the information you'll need to fill out your deposit slip.

There is no need to enter any monetary transactions when you make your deposit. All of the transactions are already there, one for each payment.