Select E-Mail Settings from the Site Configuration menu to display the page shown below.

The system transmits a separate copy of each message to each recipient you select. When the recipient receives the message, they cannot see who the other recipients were. You can have the system add a list of the recipients to the end of each message by selecting one of the options from List Recipients In Email Message. Select "List all recipient names" to add a list of all recipients; select "List all recipient email addresses" to include their e-mail addresses in addition to their names. This does not affect messages that are personalized to each recipient, like current balances or the User IDs and Passwords email.
You can select the Include Reply All link on all e-mails option to insert a link in every e-mail that will take the recipient to a page where they can see who the other recipients were and send a reply to all of them.
The sender's name is always displayed as the "From" name on the e-mail. If you select the Insert the group name in the FROM name option the system will prefix the sender's name with the name of your group, like this: "Pack 999 Sarasota - John Wogenstein". You can override the generated group name by entering a value in the Group Name For FROM Name In Email.
You can designate up to two leaders to receive copies of every message sent from the site by selecting their names from the drop down boxes for Send Copy of All Emails To. This will not include messages that are personalized to each recipient, like current balances or the User IDs and Passwords email.
E-Mail Relay
You can send an e-mail message to your group without logging on to your site, using the E-Mail Relay capability that you can configure in this section. This capability can only be used by members of your group to send messages to your group; outsiders will not be able to use these addresses.
To enable this option, put a checkmark in the box for Email Relay Enabled To Send To All Active Members. This will allow you to send a message to the address shown on the next line as the Email Relay Address To Send To All Active Members.
Please note: disabling this e-mail relay option does NOT disable e-mail relays that you set up for dynamic subgroups.
For This Relay Address, Send Messages To lets you determine whether messages sent to this subgroup will be sent to email addresses, SMS addresses, or both. This setting does not apply to dynamic subgroup e-mail addresses.
Allow Reply All To All Relayed Email will allow the recipient of any relayed e-mail - including those sent to dynamic subgroups - to use the REPLY ALL button in their e-mail client to reply to the same relay addresses, plus anyone else who was copied on the message.
List Recipients On All Relayed Email determines the type of recipient list, if any, that will be included at the bottom of any relayed e-mail, including those sent to dynamic subgroups.
Click the Save button to save your changes.