Managing Fundraisers

Most community service organizations conduct fundraising drives that involve selling products to the public.  For Girl Scout troops this means selling those delicious cookies.  Cub Scouts sell popcorn treats.  Many groups sell pumpkins in October and Christmas trees in December.

OurGroupOnline provides comprehensive support for fundraising drives:

On-line sales are designed to be promoted by your members, who will receive sales credit for sales initiated at their Personal URL.  For your troop to offer on-line sales, you must:

Booth Sales can be processed on an Internet connected tablet or smartphone and can accept credit and debit card payments in addition to cash and checks.

Please note that, while the default security configuration allows all members to enter their orders into the system, you must have the Fundraising user role to create and manage a fundraising drive.

We'll show you how to assign the Fundraising role to your leaders on the next page of this chapter.